Para nada conocido acá en Chile, pero una leyenda viva en Las Vegas. Es conocido como un verdadero apostador, que logró construir un bankroll de 40 millones dólares batiendo las mesas de High Stakes Pokers en esos tiempo (jugó con stu ungar, chip reese. doyle, etc.). Su ambición y su poco compromiso con el dinero hizo que perdiera casi todo su bankroll en poco tiempo (perdió 20millones de dólares en 10 días).
Este jugador lo podríamos comparar a Stu Ungar y Phil Ivey, que son jugadores que aparte de ser genios en el poker, les encanta apostar a todo tipo de situaciones (phil ivey apuesta siempre al fútbol, basketball, dados, etc.. stu ungar a los caballos, y así..)
Lamentablemente hay muy pocos videos de él en youtube pero acá dejo el que encontré que más o menos explican su trayectorio en 2 minutos.
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011
lunes, 4 de abril de 2011
Videos que deben ver en youtube.
Es increible lo que se puede encontrar en youtube, un video HU NL5000 de nutsinho contra jungleman (wookiez), comentado por nutsinho en tiempo real (es decir se pueden ver los timing que toma en jugar y el proceso de pensamiento de cada jugada.)
también aca dejo otros videos interesantes que se pueden encotnrar en youtube, luego a partir de ellos pueden encontrar muchos videos más que están linkeados de allí mismo:
etc... ahi mismo podrán ver mas...
También dejo el canal de Leggopoker en youtube:
En lo que va del año, bueno en realidad ha sido un mal año, tengo una diferencia de EV de cerca de 2000 dolares en mi total de manos en lo que llevo jugando en PS (Agosto del año pasado), en 500 mil manos, jugando microlimites, lo que creo que es mucho.
Este año tengo una diferencia de EV de 60 cajas aproximadamente, entre NL25 y NL50. De hecho tuve que bajar a NL25 nuevamente y apesar de tener una curva positiva importante en mi juego(EV), todavia no he podido ganar, dado que no me salen las cartas o me mean continuamente, pero asi es el poker espero salir pronto del bajon.
Aquí dejo mi grafico en lo que va del año en $ y en big blinds respectivamente:

2400 dólares de diferencia este año.

64 cajas de diferencia con el EV :S sick! (podriamos decir un bankroll entero, o dos)
también aca dejo otros videos interesantes que se pueden encotnrar en youtube, luego a partir de ellos pueden encontrar muchos videos más que están linkeados de allí mismo:
etc... ahi mismo podrán ver mas...
También dejo el canal de Leggopoker en youtube:
En lo que va del año, bueno en realidad ha sido un mal año, tengo una diferencia de EV de cerca de 2000 dolares en mi total de manos en lo que llevo jugando en PS (Agosto del año pasado), en 500 mil manos, jugando microlimites, lo que creo que es mucho.
Este año tengo una diferencia de EV de 60 cajas aproximadamente, entre NL25 y NL50. De hecho tuve que bajar a NL25 nuevamente y apesar de tener una curva positiva importante en mi juego(EV), todavia no he podido ganar, dado que no me salen las cartas o me mean continuamente, pero asi es el poker espero salir pronto del bajon.
Aquí dejo mi grafico en lo que va del año en $ y en big blinds respectivamente:

2400 dólares de diferencia este año.

64 cajas de diferencia con el EV :S sick! (podriamos decir un bankroll entero, o dos)
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Un pequeño articulo sobre hero callings
No falta el gil que nos paga con A high en el river, o con TP o dos pares cuando se completa una escala o posible color a 4 cartas y nosotros queriamos blufear. Estos hero call son de hecho regulares cuando nisiquiera tenemos historia con el rival.
Pongamos un ejemplo: llegamos al river que se completa un cuarto pic, en un board con As Rey, J etc.. y nosotros tenemos 68 con 8 de pic. Villano pasa y nosotros disparamos 10 en pote de 15, villano thankea y hero callea con TP, o con dos pares. Mira el 8 y se rie, pensando que somos unos fishs pero no sabe que en verdad estamos tomando un edge sobre sus heros calls, y ademas mejorando nuestro rango de bluff en esos boards.
Recien estaba jugando una mano, tenia 1010 en CO, y utg un tag abre, el flop cae bajo 89x villano cbet yo call, turn cae otro 9 y se completa color a 3 picas. Villano pasa, yo pasa pensando que puedo tener algo de sd value con mis 1010, y el river cae una Q de pica, traendo el cuarto pic. Villano pasa, y aca pienso en convertir mi mano en un bluff, dado que en el rango del villano hay mucho Qx como tambien JJ+, por lo que es probable que no gane la mano muy seguido. Decido lanzar 10 en 15, villano thankea casi todo su tiempo, y decide pagar con KK hero call. Ship it para el. Como se castiga eso?, value beteando casi todas nuestras manos mejor a ese overpair, como dos pares, sets, o color al 2.
Siempre que un sujeto les hero callee no se piquen y digan aaa el weon malo, mejor piense como sacarle provecho a eso, valuebeteando mas sus manos. Como por ejemplo AK en un board 910225 puede ser bueno 3betear y mandar 2 barrels, con rivales que les gusta pagar con Ahigh.
O en boards como 289106 valuebetear dos pares o mas, suponiendo que villano "no nos cree que tengamos el 7" y nos paga con 10x o JJ etc..
Saquen provecho contra los hero caller, sobre todo en board donde ustedes blufeen harto, asi balancean sus bluffs, y le sacan valor a los heros.
Nota: Ver con que mano pago, de alli hacia arriba (manos mejores) determinara nuestro rango de valor en ese spot o parecidos.
Otra reflexion, por ejemplo tenemos color al Js con un board de cuatro picas, y por ejemplo nuestro rival un tag agresivo que sabemos que le gusta thin valuebetear dispara un value o bluff (no sabemos bien) en el river. Una buena opcion acá es shovear, representando el A de pic, obviamente si villano tiene el A de pic nos insta paga y perdemos la caja. Pero si tiene el K o Q de pic es una decision dificil y probablemente foldee. Ahora que pasa si el villano es un "heroe", probablemente tambien nos pague con el K o Q de pic y nos pele la caja, pero si es heroe querra decir que tambien pagara con todos sus pics menores, como 10pic 9picetc... es decir si no es heroe podemos hacer botar su color al Khigh, y si es heroe le sacamos valor a todos sus pics menores, bastante interesante, es como una opcion de ganar ganar, si es heroe ganamos mucho por vlaor, y si noes heroe lo hacemos foldear manos mejor como Khigh. (Nota: para este caso debemos saber que el rival le gusta thin valuebetear manos como 5pic+ o set(caso rebuscado, caso que el piense que somos heros), por lo que se requiere bastante historia con el rival, y en verdad en la mayoria de los casos sea mejor solo call o fold).
Pongamos un ejemplo: llegamos al river que se completa un cuarto pic, en un board con As Rey, J etc.. y nosotros tenemos 68 con 8 de pic. Villano pasa y nosotros disparamos 10 en pote de 15, villano thankea y hero callea con TP, o con dos pares. Mira el 8 y se rie, pensando que somos unos fishs pero no sabe que en verdad estamos tomando un edge sobre sus heros calls, y ademas mejorando nuestro rango de bluff en esos boards.
Recien estaba jugando una mano, tenia 1010 en CO, y utg un tag abre, el flop cae bajo 89x villano cbet yo call, turn cae otro 9 y se completa color a 3 picas. Villano pasa, yo pasa pensando que puedo tener algo de sd value con mis 1010, y el river cae una Q de pica, traendo el cuarto pic. Villano pasa, y aca pienso en convertir mi mano en un bluff, dado que en el rango del villano hay mucho Qx como tambien JJ+, por lo que es probable que no gane la mano muy seguido. Decido lanzar 10 en 15, villano thankea casi todo su tiempo, y decide pagar con KK hero call. Ship it para el. Como se castiga eso?, value beteando casi todas nuestras manos mejor a ese overpair, como dos pares, sets, o color al 2.
Siempre que un sujeto les hero callee no se piquen y digan aaa el weon malo, mejor piense como sacarle provecho a eso, valuebeteando mas sus manos. Como por ejemplo AK en un board 910225 puede ser bueno 3betear y mandar 2 barrels, con rivales que les gusta pagar con Ahigh.
O en boards como 289106 valuebetear dos pares o mas, suponiendo que villano "no nos cree que tengamos el 7" y nos paga con 10x o JJ etc..
Saquen provecho contra los hero caller, sobre todo en board donde ustedes blufeen harto, asi balancean sus bluffs, y le sacan valor a los heros.
Nota: Ver con que mano pago, de alli hacia arriba (manos mejores) determinara nuestro rango de valor en ese spot o parecidos.
Otra reflexion, por ejemplo tenemos color al Js con un board de cuatro picas, y por ejemplo nuestro rival un tag agresivo que sabemos que le gusta thin valuebetear dispara un value o bluff (no sabemos bien) en el river. Una buena opcion acá es shovear, representando el A de pic, obviamente si villano tiene el A de pic nos insta paga y perdemos la caja. Pero si tiene el K o Q de pic es una decision dificil y probablemente foldee. Ahora que pasa si el villano es un "heroe", probablemente tambien nos pague con el K o Q de pic y nos pele la caja, pero si es heroe querra decir que tambien pagara con todos sus pics menores, como 10pic 9picetc... es decir si no es heroe podemos hacer botar su color al Khigh, y si es heroe le sacamos valor a todos sus pics menores, bastante interesante, es como una opcion de ganar ganar, si es heroe ganamos mucho por vlaor, y si noes heroe lo hacemos foldear manos mejor como Khigh. (Nota: para este caso debemos saber que el rival le gusta thin valuebetear manos como 5pic+ o set(caso rebuscado, caso que el piense que somos heros), por lo que se requiere bastante historia con el rival, y en verdad en la mayoria de los casos sea mejor solo call o fold).
jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011
lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

El ev lo tuve pésimo como en 600 este mes, pero por lo menos no es tan malo para la cantidad de manos que jugué, y ademas para el total de manos no estoy tan mal (4.3k real 3.5k ev en 400k hands).
En bonos y cosas así no tengo tan claro cuanto me hice este mes, pero supongo que como tuve 1350 de rake, debo haber tenido cerca de 400 usd de rakeback.
Asi que estimado creo que me hice como 2.1k, nada mal para un mes de trabajo, y estimando que jugue en promedio 2,66 hrs diario.
Ahora estoy jugando NL50, creo que casi definitivo, el mes pasado igual jugué algunas manos en NL25 deep, pero creo que ahora definitivamente me quedo en NL50 con ideas de subir a NL100 cuando llegue como a 6k de bankroll. Mi mayor volumen de juego y ganancias vino del HU, una modalidad que creo que ya me atrapó totalmente, porque se puede explotar a los fishs mucho mas facil que en 6max, y la dinamica de juego es mucho mas creativa que en 6 max. De hecho en 6 max me fue maoma nomas, de todas maneras creo que seguire combinando entre 6max y HU, dependiendo de las ganas.
Bankroll: 3.193 usd
viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010
Entrevista a Boywonder
To some of the PMs; thank you, and many of your answers can be found in the summary of the previous thread here (sry for not answering personally, and thanks to whoever made this summary);
BW: I believe this winrate is something that almost anyone can achieve with relatively little work... most people just don´t know where to look or lack the basic discipline.
Q: Where should I look?
BW: Your mental, emotional state while playing is 80% of the work, and you can work and take specific steps to get better at that. Being in the right emotional state will allow you to open up your eyes to what you and the other players are doing without being stuck in the previous hand you lost, how much you are up, what you´re gonna eat later, etc.
Combine that with some basic technical steps that can be taken and you got the other 20% to at least achieve enough to live comfortably off poker. I believe that with today’s games and climate, anybody with even mediocre intelligence and some discipline could at the very least make a comfortable living playing this game.
Q: It's always so good when people say that you don't need huge natural talent to succeed at pokers.
BW: To say that you need huge natural talent to succeed in poker is probably very disrespectful to people who have a real natural talent in almost any other field. LOL at saying you need huge natural talent to succeed, at least to the level of making a 100 - 250 k a year playing. Above that I couldn´t tell you, but I will when I get up to that level. Will not be surprised to find another bunch of semi-intelligent slackers that are super mega lucky to have found something to lean on and call themselves "huge natural talents".
The big difference between the average 1-2 grinder and the average 3/6 or 5/10 grinder is definitely not raw talent or God-given natural abilities. It is risk tolerance, bankroll management, game selection, tilt control. All very simple things to reign in with a little emotional control. Once in a great while, just due to the large volume of players, you will get some kind of prodigy that will go from the micros to the nosebleeds very quickly, and not by virtue of luck or "positive variance" but a natural understanding of the game. These people are definitely the minority.
Also, as I mention above, I believe hand reading to be a function of your mental / emotional state at the time more than anything else.
Ever noticed that some days you can put people on hands right and left, other days you´re just fumbling in the dark? They haven´t changed, you haven´t changed, your skills have not diminished. But you are probably not in that same emotional state you were in when playing the first game.
Q: What do you think changed your game the most in terms of becoming such a winning player?
BW: Realizing that most regulars actually were not that solid and didn´t have their own game (most just basically have picked up somebody else’s preflop game that they´ve seen on a training video and have no clue why they are doing what they are doing - postflop they are usually spewy as xxxx). When you start zoning in how to scalp the regs, that´s when you start improving and that´s when you start beating the game for more than 1 ptbb / hour. And the basis for all of this was realizing how much of my game was dependant on playing when in the right emotional state, and learning how to maintain that mindframe.
Most of you guys have no basic technical problems when it comes to this game. You understand pot control, way ahead / way behind, position, equity, pot odds, 3-bet equity, etc. The reason you struggle with the more subtle technical aspects is that they usually require a good and clean state of mind whilst playing and analyzing. If you are on constant subtle tilt you will never understand your own image, your opponents projected image vs the way they actually play, what your history with a specific opponent really means and CORRECT adjustments (as opposed to a couple of 3 bets and now you´re waiting to shove any 2), and what all this basically boils down to; hand reading and putting your opponent on accurate ranges, and knowing what to do with those ranges. These qualities will separate a 2 ptbb winner, from a 5 ptbb winner. I believe that although I display a 4,7 ptbb winrate, I could have easily avoided many situations where I KNEW I was making the wrong play and made it anyway, and could easily have had a 5,5 - 6 ptbb winrate. I take responsibility for these results.
Q: Ok, what kind of prep do you go through before a session? Playing hudless, on a number of tables must require excellent and sustained concentration; I would imagine that you are consistently looking for patterns and methods of the regs when you are not in the hand?
Do you take lots of notes on players, trying to highlight how they play groups of hands or board textures?
Do you have a mental checklist you go through before making a decision during a hand? I have been trying to develop this to prevent auto-piloting (a horrible form of tilt that costs me money) but am having trouble forming a consistent checklist and method.
BW: I go through a studious prep pregame, and I have papernotes around me that I use whilst playing. I have very specific tradition throughout the day. I always start, for instance, by reviewing yesterdays hands. I do take notes on players. Away from the table, even though i am not using a HUD, I will check on a players stats in PT. Do not get me wrong. The PT stats are very valuable, it is just that I personally feel they hinder me during gameplay and don´t allow me to form a complete picture of the regulars.
As for a check-lists, start small. Whenever somebody calls or raises you preflop, jusk ask yourself about his range of hands. You would not believe how many pros fail to ask themselves this one simple question (which they always used to when they were improving). We all know we should, and yet when we sit down we start autopiloting our usual abc game. We´re on the ball the first 5 minutes, and then go into droid mode. Just start out by doing this every time you have any preflop decisions. Then extend to the flop. Then extend to asking yourself about your perceived range (2nd level). If you have been autopiloting for the last 2 hrs, you will have no idea what he perceives your range to be, because you have no clue about your own image. You can add levels as you go on, but do not overdo it. And the absolute most important thing when faced with a big decision, is to first breathe and relax for a couple of seconds.
Have you ever noticed when you get sucked into a hand? Like you have an overpair and you get raised on the turn, you know you´re beat, and beofre you know it you have called anyway? Or what i call the bluff-vortex, when you start with small flop raise, and before you know it you have fired three barrels and you´re all in and get snapcalled by the nuts? What the hell just happened? A 200 bb pot lost out of nowhere!!? If, at any point, you would have just stepped back, taken a breath and realized how little sense your line makes or how narrow his range must be, you would have saved a stack. When you look at it in retrospect, it is very clear to you. This alludes to my earlier point; most of you guys are fine when it comes to the technical aspects of the game, but you need to hone some of the mental and emotional ones.
Q: What’s the biggest downswing you have ever had?
BW: I have diverted from my strict set of rules once since I started playing strictly cash games in january of 07. That diversion led to my biggest downswing, which is 19 buyins I believe (roughly 12 k), and a 45 k hand breakeven strectch. I have had a bunch of 8-10 buy-in downswings. I have never had a losing month, and went fulltime pro in feb / mar 08. I have won roughly 350 k or so playing poker (never really having played higher than 3/6). I have consistently beaten every level I have played, and trust me when I say I am no genius or poker prodigy.
Q: Are you a buddhist, by chance?
BW: I try to live my life in accordance with many buddhist philosophies. The greatest lesson that can be applied to your poker game is the buddhist lesson of being mindful and aware of one´s thoughts and actions at all times. I believe that this is the one single most powerful tool in any game (or profession) and the separator between many of the nosebleeders, the midstakes grinders and the low-limit strugglers. Unfortunately as simple as this teaching is, it is not easy.
Q: is beating 3/6 at 5ptb/100 considered to be super sick now or something? Or am I being leveled?
BW: My point exactly \:\) And I completely agree with you. I believe the interest in this thread has very little to do with me or with my results, but the very fact that this can be done by almost anyone (I truly believe this), and yet so few are doing it. Why is that? And that´s where we return to the emotional control.
BW: I believe this winrate is something that almost anyone can achieve with relatively little work... most people just don´t know where to look or lack the basic discipline.
Q: Where should I look?
BW: Your mental, emotional state while playing is 80% of the work, and you can work and take specific steps to get better at that. Being in the right emotional state will allow you to open up your eyes to what you and the other players are doing without being stuck in the previous hand you lost, how much you are up, what you´re gonna eat later, etc.
Combine that with some basic technical steps that can be taken and you got the other 20% to at least achieve enough to live comfortably off poker. I believe that with today’s games and climate, anybody with even mediocre intelligence and some discipline could at the very least make a comfortable living playing this game.
Q: It's always so good when people say that you don't need huge natural talent to succeed at pokers.
BW: To say that you need huge natural talent to succeed in poker is probably very disrespectful to people who have a real natural talent in almost any other field. LOL at saying you need huge natural talent to succeed, at least to the level of making a 100 - 250 k a year playing. Above that I couldn´t tell you, but I will when I get up to that level. Will not be surprised to find another bunch of semi-intelligent slackers that are super mega lucky to have found something to lean on and call themselves "huge natural talents".
The big difference between the average 1-2 grinder and the average 3/6 or 5/10 grinder is definitely not raw talent or God-given natural abilities. It is risk tolerance, bankroll management, game selection, tilt control. All very simple things to reign in with a little emotional control. Once in a great while, just due to the large volume of players, you will get some kind of prodigy that will go from the micros to the nosebleeds very quickly, and not by virtue of luck or "positive variance" but a natural understanding of the game. These people are definitely the minority.
Also, as I mention above, I believe hand reading to be a function of your mental / emotional state at the time more than anything else.
Ever noticed that some days you can put people on hands right and left, other days you´re just fumbling in the dark? They haven´t changed, you haven´t changed, your skills have not diminished. But you are probably not in that same emotional state you were in when playing the first game.
Q: What do you think changed your game the most in terms of becoming such a winning player?
BW: Realizing that most regulars actually were not that solid and didn´t have their own game (most just basically have picked up somebody else’s preflop game that they´ve seen on a training video and have no clue why they are doing what they are doing - postflop they are usually spewy as xxxx). When you start zoning in how to scalp the regs, that´s when you start improving and that´s when you start beating the game for more than 1 ptbb / hour. And the basis for all of this was realizing how much of my game was dependant on playing when in the right emotional state, and learning how to maintain that mindframe.
Most of you guys have no basic technical problems when it comes to this game. You understand pot control, way ahead / way behind, position, equity, pot odds, 3-bet equity, etc. The reason you struggle with the more subtle technical aspects is that they usually require a good and clean state of mind whilst playing and analyzing. If you are on constant subtle tilt you will never understand your own image, your opponents projected image vs the way they actually play, what your history with a specific opponent really means and CORRECT adjustments (as opposed to a couple of 3 bets and now you´re waiting to shove any 2), and what all this basically boils down to; hand reading and putting your opponent on accurate ranges, and knowing what to do with those ranges. These qualities will separate a 2 ptbb winner, from a 5 ptbb winner. I believe that although I display a 4,7 ptbb winrate, I could have easily avoided many situations where I KNEW I was making the wrong play and made it anyway, and could easily have had a 5,5 - 6 ptbb winrate. I take responsibility for these results.
Q: Ok, what kind of prep do you go through before a session? Playing hudless, on a number of tables must require excellent and sustained concentration; I would imagine that you are consistently looking for patterns and methods of the regs when you are not in the hand?
Do you take lots of notes on players, trying to highlight how they play groups of hands or board textures?
Do you have a mental checklist you go through before making a decision during a hand? I have been trying to develop this to prevent auto-piloting (a horrible form of tilt that costs me money) but am having trouble forming a consistent checklist and method.
BW: I go through a studious prep pregame, and I have papernotes around me that I use whilst playing. I have very specific tradition throughout the day. I always start, for instance, by reviewing yesterdays hands. I do take notes on players. Away from the table, even though i am not using a HUD, I will check on a players stats in PT. Do not get me wrong. The PT stats are very valuable, it is just that I personally feel they hinder me during gameplay and don´t allow me to form a complete picture of the regulars.
As for a check-lists, start small. Whenever somebody calls or raises you preflop, jusk ask yourself about his range of hands. You would not believe how many pros fail to ask themselves this one simple question (which they always used to when they were improving). We all know we should, and yet when we sit down we start autopiloting our usual abc game. We´re on the ball the first 5 minutes, and then go into droid mode. Just start out by doing this every time you have any preflop decisions. Then extend to the flop. Then extend to asking yourself about your perceived range (2nd level). If you have been autopiloting for the last 2 hrs, you will have no idea what he perceives your range to be, because you have no clue about your own image. You can add levels as you go on, but do not overdo it. And the absolute most important thing when faced with a big decision, is to first breathe and relax for a couple of seconds.
Have you ever noticed when you get sucked into a hand? Like you have an overpair and you get raised on the turn, you know you´re beat, and beofre you know it you have called anyway? Or what i call the bluff-vortex, when you start with small flop raise, and before you know it you have fired three barrels and you´re all in and get snapcalled by the nuts? What the hell just happened? A 200 bb pot lost out of nowhere!!? If, at any point, you would have just stepped back, taken a breath and realized how little sense your line makes or how narrow his range must be, you would have saved a stack. When you look at it in retrospect, it is very clear to you. This alludes to my earlier point; most of you guys are fine when it comes to the technical aspects of the game, but you need to hone some of the mental and emotional ones.
Q: What’s the biggest downswing you have ever had?
BW: I have diverted from my strict set of rules once since I started playing strictly cash games in january of 07. That diversion led to my biggest downswing, which is 19 buyins I believe (roughly 12 k), and a 45 k hand breakeven strectch. I have had a bunch of 8-10 buy-in downswings. I have never had a losing month, and went fulltime pro in feb / mar 08. I have won roughly 350 k or so playing poker (never really having played higher than 3/6). I have consistently beaten every level I have played, and trust me when I say I am no genius or poker prodigy.
Q: Are you a buddhist, by chance?
BW: I try to live my life in accordance with many buddhist philosophies. The greatest lesson that can be applied to your poker game is the buddhist lesson of being mindful and aware of one´s thoughts and actions at all times. I believe that this is the one single most powerful tool in any game (or profession) and the separator between many of the nosebleeders, the midstakes grinders and the low-limit strugglers. Unfortunately as simple as this teaching is, it is not easy.
Q: is beating 3/6 at 5ptb/100 considered to be super sick now or something? Or am I being leveled?
BW: My point exactly \:\) And I completely agree with you. I believe the interest in this thread has very little to do with me or with my results, but the very fact that this can be done by almost anyone (I truly believe this), and yet so few are doing it. Why is that? And that´s where we return to the emotional control.
miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010
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